Caesar was the most
stubborn creature in the whole world. Despite that, he managed the
basic training, however, what he used to do when given the command "come
to me" was to somehow sniff his way to my feet in around 20 min.
Little rascal! And that's how it was with everything.
He would just die
for cheese, and whenever he overheard smoked meat being carved he
would fake unconsciousness until a piece of ham landed on his
He travelled alone
on the number 3 tram half way accross the town into the centre to
meet his lover, and I was continually being chased by ticket
inspectors for fares he owed! You see, our doggy had a tag the
size of a billboard arround his neck with his name and an address,
so there were no doubts where he came from. And he was also the
biggest stud in the neighbourhood and whenever he could he ran
away. On each occasion he came back a week later 6 kg lighter (in
his top form he weighted 16 kg! - he certainly was a badger-dog
most likely cross-bred with a hippo) and he looked so handsome. He
would then proceed to eat his food and run off again.
Despite all the trouble
we loved him and he is often on our minds.......we miss him.

I confidently
expected to see a pair of startled eyes staring at me from under a
hen house, but she quite indifferently pushed out her bottom, just
to show me who the boss would be in our family and how things were
going to be if I decided to take her home.
That Saturday morning, after 18 years of begging and threatening I
simply decided to take matters into my own hands and present to my
family a done deal. Although a fat badger (Caesar) ruled in the
house, he still couldn't reach further then half way up my calf. He
was a fantastic dog, but.... a great dane is a great dane, isn't it?
Then while walking by a newsagent, my former boyfriend "Toup" lost
his patience, bought a newspapers for the ads and off we went to
Kostelec in Czech to buy a puppy. Thanks Toup!
It was like a dream, although they didn't show me the puppies mum,
and the breeder wasn't very helpful, out of those nine dirty devils
running around among the hens, SHE alone was MINE.
She was beautiful, black and was the first of them. She was given
the name BUGSY Siegel and she was always with me since 1996 for
almost 9 years, and ever since that time I have simply been happy. I
bred one litter of six puppies - without pegigree and the vast
majority lived for about 10 years.
My best friend died under the wheels of a car. She was 8 1/2 years
old. She was healthy and cheerful.
Not one day goes by without me thinking of you.